Mithras Reader, vol. 3

Channing Tatum in "The Eagle"
This hasn’t got anything to do with disability, but I did want to note that I have a story (really the first chapter of a novel in progress) called “The Lioness” in the latest
Mithras Reader. It’s an interesting collection of scholarly articles, personal gnosis and art related to the ancient worship of the god Mithras. My story draws on the very scanty evidence we have for women being associated with some Mithraic groups in the ancient Roman world, and envisions a situation in which a woman might have joined such a temple and what she might have experienced there.
Incidentally, if you happened to see the movie “The Eagle,” you will notice the character Marcus Aquila (played by the very nice-looking Channing Tatum) offering prayers to Mithras, who was considered a “soldier’s god.”
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