Enjoyed this post from Autistic Hoya about How Not To Plan Disability Conferences. Some of these tips are relevant to anyone (like, say, a Pagan ritual or festival organizing group):


4. Rethink who is on the planning committee. Don’t invite people as tokens — actually talk to disabled people who you know and ask them to take a substantive leadership role in the planning of your conference. More than one. More than two.

,,,, include easily findable information about access and accommodations.

… Establish a low-fragrance policy. Establish a no flash photography — and no photography of any kind without consent of those in the picture — policy. Mention if there will be a break room where attendees can take a break from the stimulation. (Seriously, that’s not just autistics; it’s also people with anxiety, people with physical disabilities or chronic pain, people with depression, etc. etc. etc.) These are all little things that you can do for minimal cost, and that advertising and talking about publicly can send a strong message that you’re expecting and trying to be as welcoming as possible for disabled people.

… Speak up if someone else in your planning group is saying or doing these shitty things. If they’re saying them in front of the whole group, and you know they’re wrong, and you have the ability to speak out, then do. That’s called practicing good allyship. Because if disabled people aren’t in the room to begin with, then all we can hope for is someone who’s in there to say something.