Bibliography of Roman Britain
Roman Britain
- Green, Miranda. Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art. Routledge,1989.
- An important resource for understanding the deity images of this world. Romano-Celtic deities are well represented. Many photos by the author of seldom-seen items.
- Hutton, Ronald. The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles. Blackwell, 1991.
- An excellent summary of the scholarly data covering the period both before and after Roman conquest. Ends with a few pages on the modern Wiccan/Pagan movement.
- Ireland, S. Roman Britain: A Sourcebook. Routledge,1979.
- Translations of inscriptions and other primary sources that shed light on the region's history. Includes religious and votive texts.
- Jones, Barri and David Mattingly. An Atlas of Roman Britain. Blackwell, 1990.
- An excellent resource on the archaeological evidence for Romano-Celtic religion, with maps pinpointing the location of known dedications to deities of the Roman, Celtic and Romano-Celtic cultures.
- Salway, Peter. The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain. Oxford University Press, 1993.
- An updated version of his 1981 book Roman Britain, richly illustrated. Final chapter is on ''Religion and Society,'' with diagrams of temples and photos of ritual items.
Celtic Religion
- Condren, Mary. The Serpent and the Goddess: Women, Religion and Power in Celtic Ireland. HarperSanFancisco, 1989.
- Scholarly yet inspiring look at female divinities both Pagan and Christian.
- Ellis, Peter Berresford. Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. Oxford University Press, 1992.
- A valuable reference for the often-confusing plethora of Celtic names.
- Laurie, Erynn Rowan. A Circle of Stones. Eschaton Books, 1995.
- A Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan's devotional, with advice on constructing a rosary-like ''circle of stones.'' An excellent book for inspiration and a reminder of the need for daily contact with the divine.
- Rees, Alwyn and Brinley. Celtic Heritage. Thames and Hudson, 1961.
- This sometimes dry work nonetheless contains the meat of Celtic mythology.
- Ross, Anne. Pagan Celtic Britain. Routledge, 1967.
- One of the best resources for understanding the historical background of Celtic religion before and after the Roman conquest.
- Stewart, R.J. The Waters of the Gap: Magic, Mythology and Celtic Heritage. Ashgrove Press, 1989.
- A brief history of Celtic and Roman worship of the springs at Bath, England.
Roman Religion
- Adkins, Lesley and Roy. The Dictionary of Roman Religion. Facts on File, 1995.
- A vital reference with entries for hundreds of Romano-Celtic deities.
- Ferguson, John. Religion in the Roman Empire. Cornell University Press, 1985.
- A useful overview.
- Turcan, Robert. The Cults of the Roman Empire, 1996. Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
- Pays special attention to the religions which emerged from Rome's colonies, including the Celtic countries.
- Vidal, Gore. Julian. Ballantine Books, 1977.
- A fictional but compelling treatment of Rome's last Pagan emperor.