History books (Celtic and other)

Celtic Wicca cover

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Three good books about Celtic history:
The Celtic World, edited by Miranda J. Green.
A compendium of articles on a wide variety of historical and modern subjects. Particularly useful for its sections on Celtic art and Peter J. Reynolds’ article on Celtic farming.
The Ancient World of the Celts, Peter Berresford Ellis.
Goes beyond the standard categories of history to discuss Celtic physicians, road builders and craftsmen.
The Ancient Celts, Barry Cunliffe.
Well-designed book combining authoritative history with excellent illustrations.
Three good books about Celtic religion:
Pagan Celtic Britain, Anne Ross.
One of the first compendiums of historical evidence. While some of its conclusions are dated, Ross' presentation of evidence is still valuable, especially for its treatment of animal symbolism.
The Druids, Stuart Piggott.
A look at the evidence for ancient priesthoods and the way that evidence has been (mis)interpreted in recent centuries.
Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, James MacKillop.
A handy reference for names and places.
Three good books about the history of Wicca and neo-Paganism:
Triumph of the Moon, Ronald F. Hutton.
Hutton, a historian, traces the roots of the modern Wiccan movement, shattering some myths and providing much food for thought. Focuses on Britain.
Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler.
An American journalist’s view of Wicca and related movements. Somewhat dated now, but a useful look at the roots of modern American worship.
Persuasions of the Witch’s Craft, Tanya Luhrmann.
Luhrmann, a sociologist, studied modern Wiccans and magicians in Britain.
Three good books about the Celto-Roman period:
The Celts and the Classical World, David Rankin.
An excellent overview of the historical record of interaction between Celtic and Greco-Roman cultures.
Religion in Roman Britain, Martin Henig.
This book argues for the pervasive influence of Roman belief in the conquered Celtic lands.
Ireland in the Classical World, Philip Freeman.
The Romans never invaded Ireland, but the Irish did interact with the Roman world. Excellent presentation with Greek, Latin and Irish texts for the scholar, plus English translations for the general reader.

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