Books on Wicca and Paganism

Celtic Wicca cover

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Three excellent books:

The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles, Ronald F. Hutton.
Outlines what we do know about ancient religion, directly tackling some of common pseudo-historic. Takes the Wiccan/Pagan movement seriously while calling for a rigorous approach to facts.
Celtic Rituals: An Authentic Guide to Ancient Celtic Spirituality, Alexei Kondratiev.
While not specifically Wiccan, Kondratiev’s rituals are based in a deep scholarly and spiritual understanding of Celtic history. Also published as The Apple Branch.
Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art, Miranda Green.
A very useful look at the available evidence of Celtic religions.

Three good books about Wicca for newcomers and young people:

Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham.
Many people start with this book. Pleasant and simple spells and ideas for crafting your own.
Spell Craft: A Primer for the Young Magician, Lilith McClelland.
Written specifically for younger audiences, this book is a favorite among teens but has value for the older novice as well.
The Wiccan Path, Rae Beth.
Outlines Wiccan religion in the form of letters by a priestess to her students.

Three good books about the history of Wicca and neo-Paganism:

Triumph of the Moon, Ronald F. Hutton.
Hutton, a historian, traces the roots of the modern Wiccan movement, shattering some myths and providing much food for thought. Focuses on Britain.
Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler.
An American journalist’s view of Wicca and related movements. Somewhat dated now, but a useful look at the roots of modern American worship.
Persuasions of the Witch’s Craft, Tanya Luhrmann.
Luhrmann, a sociologist, studied modern Wiccans and magicians in Britain.

Three good books about magic:

Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being, Dion Fortune.
A classic text on the subject, outlining a technique that can be adapted to many circumstances.
Inside a Magical Lodge, John Michael Greer.
Traces the history of the lodge movement and provides an excellent template for a working magical group.
Dancers to the Gods, Alan Richardson.
A valuable in-depth look at a long-term magical working involving two experienced practitioners.

Three good books for Wiccan families:

Pagan Parenting: Magical, Spiritual and Emotional Development of the Child, Kristen Madden.
Excellent resource including information on community and legal topics, plus unique ideas on helping children develop their own magical abilities.
Celebrating the Great Mother: A Handbook of Earth-Honoring Activities for Parents, Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw.
Good ideas and activities. Oriented more towards goddesses than gods.
Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions, Starhawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill.
Hands-on approach with songs, stories, recipes, crafts and activities for family learning and growth.

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